The Key company are passionate about enabling people to understand and embrace a growth mind-set to create meaningful change in their own lives, and the people they impact around them.

We believe that in sharing the knowledge we have gained by providing you with your own journey to learn about yourself and your mind, you can experience real transformation to realise your true potential.


Meet Sian

Sian Louw - Chief Executive Officer  

“It’s a privilege to allow Individuals, Teams and Organisations a psychological safe space that allows for exponential growth and change. It is our desire to share The Key to unlock what inherently exists within each of us, so that we can make a real difference” – Sian Louw

 Sian is a visionary she is deeply passionate about human beings becoming all that they are designed to be. She is committed to teaching what she herself has learned and strongly believes in.

 With many years of experience as a successful Leadership and Culture Transformation specialist, Sian has customised solutions for individuals and organisations to increase their performance and realise their potential -Sian Louw

Meet Errol

ERROL NEMBHARD – Chief Business Development Officer

“We want to leave this world a much better place than we found it.” -Errol Nembhard

Errol’s 24 year passion has been to continually find ways to improve the quality of leadership impact on people, performance and culture. His contributions to the transformation agendas of many blue-chip organisations has been significant.