Choose your Region

Please ensure that you have created your Entry account (see below), prior to logging into your chosen Region. It is critical that your personal information and data remain protected and secure.


Please follow the steps below to complete a once off registration on the Entry© Multi-Factor Authentication platform to create your unique digital identification. For optimal security and a true password-less experience, ensure that biometrics are activated on your mobile device.

Why do you need Entry? Watch the short video tutorial below:

1. Download Entry

Download Entry MFA from your mobile device’s app store and open the application·     

See App Store links below! 

2. Register and Log in

After downloading and opening the App:

1.Choose your region of citizenship.


3. Fill in your name, surname, email address and create a password.

4. Enter a National Identity number or Passport Number. (You can enter both for an extra layer of security.  The passport is the preferable option of the two.)

5. Answer Security Questions: You will be asked a series of 5 security questions that only you know the answers to. A variety of questions will be provided which you can scroll through and select.

6. Take a photo of your identification document to the number you provided earlier.

Your identification document is an essential step to the Entry registration process, verifying that you are who you claim to be. The Entry software analyses the document and matches your personal details that you provide during the registration process - your full name, identification number, and your self-portrait photograph. This additional layer of verification secures your digital identity, ensuring a secure and trustworthy experience in the digital world and placing you in full control of your online transactions.

(Should you provide both numbers, you will need to provide photographs of both documents.)

Note: When you take the photographs required, make sure that the phone is positioned upright.  The relevant document must be positioned so that the information inside is upright and in frame. When you take a photo of the document/card, check that there is no reflection or glare. If the photo is not clear, the registration does not process.

7. Click on ‘Use Photo’ to accept it for registration (or retake the photograph if it is unclear.)

8. Take a self-portrait photograph. Tap on the camera icon next to ‘User Photo’. Remove any glasses or coverings that would obscure your face, when you take the “selfie”. Keep your phone’s camera at eyelevel, maintain a straight expression and use clear lighting.

Accept the photograph for registration or retake it.

9. Tap on ‘Register’. You will return to the Entry login page.

10. Enter you email and password and click on ‘Remember me’.

Registration is complete!

You can return to The Key Platform to log in.

3. Access the Key Platform

1.Go to your web browser, either on the same mobile device you use for Entry or on a separate device, such as a desktop.

2. Enter the following URL: https://

3. Click on ‘Existing Key Holder’ to go to the login page. (The webpage will ask you to enter your region and email address you used to register with Entry.)

4. Click on ‘Login with Entry MFA’. This will begin the process of auto-populating your Entry profile with The Key Platform.

5. Open Entry on your mobile device (Go to the notifications page. You will have received 2 notifications – one to authorise the DEVICE, and one to authorise the USER LOGIN.)

6. Tap on the DEVICE authorisation first and click on the green ‘Authorise’ button.

7. Next, tap on the USER LOGIN authorisation notification request and click on the green ‘Authorise’ button.


You are done!

Go back to your browser and The Key Platform site will open.


Digital Identity.

Our platform uses the latest in digital identity technology – Entry – Please ensure you have registered with Entry before attempting to login to The Key Platform